327.1 |
2025. David Edwin Hill. 5 Mar
2024. Biogeography of euophryine jumping spiders
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 327.1:
1-40. |
326.1 |
& Ng 2025. David E. Hill, Yongi
Ng. 8 Jan 2025. Standing display of the
Australasian jumping spider Ohilimia (Araneae:
Salticidae: Euophryini: Papuaphryni). Peckhamia
326.1: 1-12. |
325.1 |
& Cutler 2024. Hank Guarisco, Bruce
Cutler. 4 DEC 2024. A new addition to the
jumping spider fauna of Kansas (Araneae: Salticidae:
Marpissina: Marpissa bina).
Peckhamia 325.1: 1-2. |
324.1 |
& Rubio 2024. Julián E.M. Baigorria,
Gonzalo D. Rubio. 29 NOV 2024. Jollas
oklanderae n. sp., a new beetle-like spider from
Northeast Argentina (Araneae: Salticidae:
Sitticini). Peckhamia 324.1: 1-8. |
323.1 |
Hill et
al. 2024c. David Edwin Hill, Truong Van Tam,
Phan Hoai Viet, Pham Tien Tung. 29 NOV 2024.
Identification of jumping spiders placed in the genus Telamonia
(Araneae: Salticidae: Plexippina). Peckhamia
323.1: 1-20. |
322.1 |
Tam et
al. 2024. Truong Van Tam, Nguyen Ngoc Han,
Truong Van Anh, David Edwin Hill. 14 NOV
2024. First record of Myrmarachne cornuta
(Badcock 1918) (Araneae: Salticidae: Astioida:
Myrmarachnini) in Vietnam. Peckhamia 322.1: 1-4. |
321.1 |
Hill et
al. 2024b. David E. Hill, Amith Kiran
Menezes, Abhijith APC, Vipin Baliga, Jithesh Pai.
19 SEP 2024. Notes on jumping spiders of the genus
Stenaelurillus from the Indian subcontinent
(Araneae: Salticidae: Aelurillini: Aelurillina).
Peckhamia 321.1: 1-21. |
320.1 |
Tam &
Dang 2024. Truong Van Tam, Tran Bao
Dang. 18 SEP 2024. First record of Cosmophasis
lami (Berry, Beatty & Prószyński 1997) in
Vietnam (Araneae: Salticidae: Chrysillini).
Peckhamia 320.1: 1-2. |
319.1 |
& Hill 2024b. Jürgen C. Otto, David E.
Hill. 8 SEP 2024. One new peacock spider
from Western Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini:
Australphryni: Maratus hakea), with a review of
known species in the M. bubo and M. mungaich
groups. Peckhamia 319.1: 1-55. |
318.1 |
& Hill 2024a. Jürgen C. Otto, David E.
Hill. 12 AUG 2024. Two new peacock spiders
in the linnaei group from Western Australia
(Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Australphryni: Maratus).
Peckhamia 318.1: 1-85. |
317.1 |
2024c. David Edwin Hill. 22 APR
2024. Attacks on very large and dangerous prey by
jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia
317.1: 1-19. |
316.1 |
Sanath et
al. 2024. Sanath R M, Abhijith APC, Vipin
Baliga, David E. Hill. 13 MAR 2024. Portia
labiata (Araneae: Salticidae: Spartaeini) as
predator and prey of a synanthropic Parasteatoda
sp. (Araneae: Theridiidae: Theridiinae) Peckhamia
316.1: 1-5. |
315.1 |
2024b. David Edwin Hill. 21 FEB
2024. What do zoologists use animals for?
Peckhamia 315.1: 1-8. |
314.1 |
2024a. David Edwin Hill. 7 FEB
2024. A deeper phylogeny of jumping spiders
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 314.1:
1-16. |
313.1 |
& Singh 2024. Ashirwad Tripathy, Arun
Pratap Singh. 15 JAN 2024. Defensive
behaviour of a moth (Crambidae: Eoophyla sp.)
that mimics jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) in
tropical India. Peckhamia 313.1: 1-5. |
312.1 |
Hill et
al. 2024a. David Edwin Hill, Tiziano
Hurni-Cranston, Truong Van Tam. 10 JAN 2024.
New synonymy for the jumping spider Cosmophasis
thalassina (C. L. Koch 1846) (Araneae: Salticidae:
Chrysillini). Peckhamia 312.1: 1-8. |
311.1 |
& Hill 2023c. Jürgen C. Otto, David E.
Hill. 29 DEC 2023. Maratus yanchep,
a new peacock spider from Western Australia (Araneae:
Salticidae: Euophryini: Australphryni). Peckhamia
311.1: 1-34. |
310.1 |
& Sharp 2023. Danniella Sherwood and
Adam Sharp. 14 DEC 2023. A Caribbean in the
South Atlantic: first records of Hentzia antillana
Bryant 1940, with notes on other previously reported
jumping spider species (Araneae: Salticidae), from
Ascension Island. Peckhamia 310.1: 1-7. |
309.1 |
& Hill 2023b. Jürgen C. Otto and David
E. Hill. 15 NOV 2023. Maratus nambung,
a new peacock spider from the southwestern corner of
Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini).
Peckhamia 309.1: 1-29. |
97.2 |
2023d. David E. Hill. 30 OCT
2023. The jumping spider mouth (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 97.2: 1-19. |
308.1 |
& Hill 2023a. Jürgen C. Otto and David
E. Hill. 10 OCT 2023. Maratus playa,
a new peacock spider in the fimbriatus group
from Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini).
Peckhamia 308.1: 1-27. |
307.1 |
& Lash 2023. Frank H. Pascoe and Chloe
L. Lash. 18 SEP 2023. Maevia inclemens
(Araneae: Salticidae: Marpissina) copulation duration is
longer with alternate morph males. Peckhamia
307.1: 1-10. |
241.2 |
2023g. David Edwin Hill. 3
SEP 2023. Stabilizing selection to maintain the
two male forms of the jumping spider Maevia
inclemens (Araneae: Salticidae: Marpissina),
version 2. Peckhamia 241.2: 1-15. |
306.1 |
& Otto 2023. David Edwin Hill and Jürgen
C. Otto. 19 AUG 2023. Courtship display by a
peacock spider, Maratus constellatus (Araneae:
Salticidae: Euophryini: Australphryni). Peckhamia
306.1: 1-29. |
305.1 |
& Abhijith 2023. David E. Hill and
Abhijith A. P. C. 19 AUG 2023. Local jumping
spiders living on introduced cacti in Karnataka.
Peckhamia 305.1: 1-4. |
304.1 |
2023f. David Edwin Hill. 7 AUG
2023. Studies on spider respiration and
circulation by Victor Willem. Peckhamia 304.1:
1-46. |
303.1 |
2023e. David Edwin Hill. 30 JUL
2023. Practical issues related to cladistics and
the classification of spiders. Peckhamia 303.1:
1-12. |
302.1 |
2023d. David Edwin Hill. 29 JUN
2023. Studies of salticid behavior by Karl Hubert
Heil (1936). Peckhamia 302.1: 1-40. |
301.1 |
Tam et
al. 2023. Truong Van Tam, Huynh Long Phu and
Nguyen Nhat Quy. 23 JUN 2023. First record
of Cytaea (C. oreophila) from
Vietnam. Peckhamia 301.1: 1-3. |
300.1 |
& Santos 2023. Alexandre S. Michelotto
and Adalberto J. Santos. 23 JUN 2023. A new
alien species in Brazil: Heliophanus hamifer
Simon, 1886. Peckhamia 300.1: 1-7. |
299.1 |
Jose et
al. 2023. Athira Jose, Rishikesh Tripathi
and Ambalaparambil Vasu Sudhikumar. 4 JUN
2023. First records of the genera Anarrhotus
Simon, 1902 and Gelotia Thorell, 1890 from India
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 299.1: 1-7. |
298.1 |
et al. 2023. Danniella Sherwood, María
Florencia Nadal and Brogan L. Pett. 4 JUN
2023. One step forward and two steps back:
on three jumping spiders described by H. D. Badcock
deposited in the Natural History Museum, London, and two
species newly recorded for Argentina (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 298.1: 1-9. |
297.1 |
Nathan et
al. 2023. Pooja Nathan, Anoushka
Datta, Arshyaan Shahid and Megan E. Frederickson.
18 APR 2023. Where there are ants, there are ant
mimics: occurrence of jumping spiders that mimic ants on
the castor plant across India. Peckhamia 297.1:
1-8. |
296.1 |
& Guarisco 2023. Bruce Cutler and Hank
Guarisco. 9 APR 2023. A male Pelegrina
galathea with an aberrant palpus. Peckhamia
296.1: 1-2. |
295.1 |
Kadam et
al. 2023. Gautam Kadam, Rishikesh Tripathi
and Ambalaparambil Vasu Sudhikumar. 2 APR
2023. Three new jumping spiders from northeastern
India (Araneae: Salticidae: Hasariini: Habrocestum).
Peckhamia 295.1: 1-10. |
294.1 |
Rubio et
al. 2023. Gonzalo D. Rubio, Julián E. M.
Baigorria and Cristian E. Stolar. 10 MAR
2023. Unveiling some unknown jumping spiders
(Araneae: Salticidae) from Argentina: descriptions of
seven new species. Peckhamia 294.1: 1-22. |
293.1 |
Tam et
al. 2023. Truong Van Tam, Tran Hoang An,
Nguyen Nhat Quy and David Edwin Hill. 6 MAR
2023. First record for the jumping spider Thorelliola
ensifera in Vietnam (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryini: Australphryni). Peckhamia 293.1:
1-3. |
292.1 |
2023c. David Edwin Hill. 24 FEB
2023. The jumping spiders of Pete Carmichael
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 292.1:
1-52. |
291.1 |
2023b. David Edwin Hill. 6 FEB
2023. Some anomalies in the development of jumping
spider eyes (Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia
291.1: 1-3. |
290.1 |
& Hill 2023. Abhijith A. P. C. and David
Edwin Hill. 19 JAN 2023. Brood nest of Piranthus
planolancis (Araneae: Salticidae:
Baviini). Peckhamia 290.1: 1-6. |
289.1 |
et al. 2023. Rishikesh Tripathi, Athira
Jose, Karunnappilli Shamsudheen Nafin, Nishi Babu and
Ambalaparambil Vasu Sudhikumar. 15 JAN 2023.
The first description of the female of Myrmarachne
uniseriata Narayan, 1915 and the first report of Myrmarachne
spissa (G. W. Peckham & E. G. Peckham, 1892)
from India. Peckhamia 289.1: 1-10. |
288.1 |
2023a. David Edwin Hill. 5 JAN
2023. Archetypes of the jumping spider
(Araneae: Salticidae) as derived by intelligent
machines. Peckhamia 288.1: 1-30. |
287.1 |
et al. 2022b. Abhijith A. P. C., David E.
Hill and Pavan Ramachandra. 23 DEC 2022.
Notes on biology of the ant-mimicking jumping spider Myrmarachne
plataleoides (Araneae: Salticidae: Astioida)
in south Asia. Peckhamia 287.1: 1-12. |
286.1 |
& Mohapatra 2022. Ashirwad Tripathy and
Animesh Mohapatra. 12 DEC 2022. Chrysilla
acerosa (Araneae: Salticidae: Chrysillini), a
dominant jumping spider in the bamboo plantations of
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. Peckhamia 286.1:
1-2. |
252.2 |
Hill et
al. 2022. David E. Hill, Abhijith A. P. C.,
Mohith Shenoy and Hemanth Kumar H M. 18 NOV 2022.
Conversion of the egg nest to a brood nest by the female
Brettus cingulatus (Araneae: Salticidae:
Spartaeini). Peckhamia 252.2: 1-15. |
285.1 |
& Hill 2022c. Muralidharan S and David
E. Hill. 13 NOV 2022. Predation on the brood
of a theridiid spider by a jumping spider (Araneae:
Salticidae: Harmochirina: Bianor
sp.). Peckhamia 285.1: 1-2. |
284.1 |
& Hill 2022b. Muralidharan S and David
E. Hill. 11 NOV 2022. Predation on a
trap-jaw ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae: Anochetus
sp.) by a jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae:
Aelurillini: Langona tigrina). Peckhamia
284.1: 1-4. |
283.1 |
& Abhijith 2022. David E. Hill and
Abhijith A. P. C. 4 NOV 2022. A new and
undescribed Myrmarachne sp. from Karnataka
(Araneae: Salticidae: Myrmarachnina). Peckhamia
283.1: 1-5. |
282.1 |
& O'Donnell 2022. Stephanie M. Cobbold
and Ryan P. O'Donnell. 4 NOV 2022. Natural
history of the agave jumping spider, Paraphidippus
basalis (Araneae: Salticidae:
Dendryphantina). Peckhamia 282.1: 1-17. |
281.1 |
& Hill 2022a. Muralidharan S and David
E. Hill. 28 OCT 2022. Courtship display by a
male Stenaelurillus sp. from Tamil Nadu
(Araneae: Salticidae: Aelurillina). Peckhamia
281.1: 1-4. |
280.1 |
& Hill 2022. André Arruda Lima and David
Edwin Hill. 25 OCT 2022. A trap door jumping
spider from Brazil (Araneae: Salticidae: Marpissina: Balmaceda
sp.). Peckhamia 280.1: 1-7. |
279.1 |
2022d. David E. Hill. 22 OCT
2022. Jumping spider scales. Peckhamia
279.1: 1-83. |
278.1 |
2022. Maurice D. Allan. 2 SEP
2022. Association of the jumping spider Coccorchestes
ferreus (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini) with a
small, black weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae:
Cryptorhynchinae: Trigonopterus cf. laetus).
Peckhamia 278.1: 1-2. |
277.1 |
& Hill 2022b. Abhijith A. P. C. and
David E. Hill. 28 AUG 2022. A short-lived
mantispid in an Asemonea nest: parasitoid and
prey? Peckhamia 277.1: 1-2. |
276.1 |
2022. Muralidharan S. 28 AUG
2022. Predation on Stegodyphus (Araneae:
Eresidae) by Hyllus semicupreus (Araneae:
Salticidae) in Tamil Nadu, India. Peckhamia
276.1: 1-2. |
275.1 |
2022c. David E. Hill. 23 AUG
2022. A salticid archetype for salticid
spiders. Peckhamia 275.1: 1-39. |
274.1 |
et al. 2022a. Abhijith A. P. C., David E.
Hill and Sanath Ramesh. 5 AUG 2022.
Hunchback flies (Diptera: Acroceridae) as endopredators
of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae).
Peckhamia 274.1: 1-6.
273.1 |
& Hill 2022d. Jürgen C. Otto and David
E. Hill. 5 AUG 2022. Maratus ammophilus,
a new peacock spider in the fimbriatus group
from Western Australia (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryini). Peckhamia 273.1: 1-65. |
272.1 |
et al. 2022. Manjunath S, David E.
Hill and Naveen Iyer. 21 JUL 2022. Brood
cannibalism by Brettus cingulatus (Araneae:
Salticidae: Spartaeini). Peckhamia 272.1:
271.1 |
& Hill 2022a. Abhijith A. P. C. and
David E. Hill. 6 JUL 2022. Dangerous
companions: Ant-mimicking jumping spiders (Araneae:
Salticidae: Myrmarachne plataleoides) that
shelter beneath the web of an orb-weaver (Araneae:
Araneidae: Herennia multipuncta).
Peckhamia 271.1: 1-7. |
270.1 |
2022. Rajashree Khalap. 4 JUL
2022. Coexistence of Asemonea cf. tenuipes
(Araneae: Salticidae: Asemoneinae) with Crematogaster
ants (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) and a mealybug (Hemiptera:
Pseudococcidae). Peckhamia 270.1: 1-5. |
269.1 |
2022b. Edwin Bedoya-Roqueme. 21 JUN
2022. A new species of Lyssomanes Hentz
1845 (Araneae: Salticidae: Lyssomaninae) from the
Central Cerrado of Brazil. Peckhamia
269.1: 1-11.
268.1 |
2022a. Edwin Bedoya-Roqueme. 15 JUN
2022. On the jumping spider Erica eugenia
Peckham & Peckham (Araneae: Salticidae: Simonellini)
from Brazil. Peckhamia 268.1: 1-8. |
267.1 |
2022. Milan Prasad. 12 MAY 2022.
Maratus expolitus: a new widespread peacock
spider from Australia's east coast (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryini). Peckhamia 267.1: 1-7. |
266.1 |
Kadam et
al. 2022. Gautam Kadam, Ambalaparambil Vasu
Sudhikumar and Rishikesh Tripathi. 30 APR
2022. New records of the jumping spider Dexippus
pengi Wang & Li, 2020 (Araneae: Salticidae:
Plexippina) in India. Peckhamia 266.1: 1-4. |
265.1 |
2022. Ashirwad Tripathy. 26 APR
2022. Termitophagy and kleptoparasitism by Menemerus
bivittatus (Dufour, 1831) (Araneae: Salticidae:
Chrysillini) in India. Peckhamia 265.1: 1-6. |
264.1 |
& Hill 2022c. Jürgen C. Otto and David
E. Hill. 25 APR 2022. Maratus nubilis,
a new peacock spider in the chrysomelas group
from southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryini). Peckhamia 264.1: 1-29. |
263.1 |
& Hill 2022b. Jürgen C. Otto and David
E. Hill. 9 APR 2022. Maratus candens,
a new peacock spider in the linnaei group from
southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryini). Peckhamia 263.1: 1-33. |
262.1 |
& Hill 2022a. Jürgen C. Otto and David
E. Hill. 26 MAR 2022. Maratus pinniger,
a new peacock spider in the vespa group from
southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryini). Peckhamia 262.1: 1-30. |
261.1 |
2022b. David E. Hill. 2 MAR
2022. Tropical Asian jumping spiders of the genus
Viciria (Araneae: Salticidae: Viciriini).
Peckhamia 261.1: 1-16. |
260.1 |
2022. Rajashree Khalap. 24 FEB
2022. Nonsexual cannibalism by a female Hyllus
semicupreus (Araneae: Salticidae:
Plexippina). Peckhamia 260.1: 1-2. |
259.1 |
Jena et
al. 2022. Subhrakanta Jena, Rakesh Kumar
Mohalik, Sanjay Keshari Das and Hemanta Kumar
Sahu. 24 FEB 2022. Myrmecophagy by a jumping
spider (Araneae: Salticidae: Hyllus semicupreus),
feeding on a red weaver ant queen (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae: Oecophylla smaragdina).
Peckhamia 259.1: 1-3. |
258.1 |
& John 2022. Tanaya Rele and Samuel J.
John. 21 FEB 2022. Notes on broodcare by Hindumanes
and updated distribution of the genus from published
records and citizen science observations (Araneae:
Salticidae: Lyssomaninae). Peckhamia 258.1:
1-6. |
257.1 |
& Hill 2022. Rajashree Khalap and David
E. Hill. 21 FEB 2022. Use of a Green Tree
Ant nest by the jumping spider Carrhotus viduus
in Maharashtra, India (Araneae: Salticidae:
Salticini). Peckhamia 257.1: 1-5. |
256.1 |
& Sudhikumar 2022. Athira Jose and
Ambalaparambil Vasu Sudhikumar. 21 FEB 2022.
A new ant mimicking spider of the genus Toxeus
C. L. Koch, 1846 (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae) from
the Western Ghats, India. Peckhamia 256.1:
1-9. |
255.1 |
2022a. David E. Hill. 12 FEB
2022. Neurobiology and vision of jumping spiders
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 255.1:
1-81. |
254.1 |
2021b. David E. Hill. 8 DEC
2021. The Ecuadorean jumping spiders of Andreas
Kay (Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 254.1:
1-19. |
253.1 |
& Hill 2021. Naveen Iyer and David E.
Hill. 1 DEC 2021. Serial broods in a single
nest of the jumping spider Indopadilla cf. kodagura
(Araneae: Salticidae: Baviini) . Peckhamia
253.1: 1-4. |
252.1 |
& Abhijith 2021. David E. Hill and
Abhijith A. P. C. 1 DEC 2021. Do female Brettus
cingulatus (Araneae: Salticidae: Spartaeini) feed
their young? Peckhamia 252.1: 1-4. |
251.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C., P. Ramachandra and D. E. Hill. 2021.
Portia cf. labiata (Araneae: Salticidae:
Spartaeini) as predator and prey of cellar spiders
(Araneae: Pholcidae: Crossopriza) in Karnataka,
India. Peckhamia 251.1: 1-5. |
250.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C., D. E. Hill, M. J. Pai and V. Baliga.
2021. Spiders that prey on jumping spiders
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 250.1: 1-7. |
249.1 |
Hill, D. E.,
Abhijith A. P. C., Sanath R. M. and Harshith J. V.
2021. Ant associations of the jumping spider
Carrhotus viduus in Karnataka, India (Araneae:
Salticidae: Salticini). Peckhamia 249.1:
1-12. |
248.1 |
Tam, T. V.
2021. First record of Bavia sexpunctata
from Vietnam (Araneae: Salticidae: Baviini).
Peckhamia 248.1: 1-2. |
247.1 |
Cutler, B.,
T. Manolis and A. Symonds. 2021.
Confirmation of the existence of Heliophanus apiatus
(Araneae: Salticidae) in the San Francisco Bay Area of
California, USA, first records for North America.
Peckhamia 247.1: 1-4. |
246.1 |
Joshi, P.
and D. E. Hill. 2021. Multiple broods of the
jumping spider Asemonea tenuipes (Araneae:
Salticidae: Asemoneinae). Peckhamia 246.1:
1-4. |
245.1 |
Hill, D. E.
and G. B. Edwards. 2021. Fluorescence in
jumping spiders of the genus Tutelina (Araneae:
Salticidae: Dendryphantini). Peckhamia 245.1:
1-9. |
244.1 |
Sharma, M.
and B. R. Oli. 2021. Araneophagy by Hyllus
. Peckhamia 244.1: 1-2. |
243.1 |
Kadam, G.,
R. Tripathi, A. K. Jangid, A. V. Sudhikumar and D. E.
Hill. 2021. First records of the jumping
spider genus Irura Peckham & Peckham 1901
(Araneae: Salticidae: Simaethina) from India.
Peckhamia 243.1: 1-9. |
242.1 |
Hill, D.
E., D. L. Glaser and E. C.
Galvão. 2021. Extension of fangs during
the predatory jumps of jumping spiders (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 242.1: 1-9. |
241.1 |
Hill, D.
E. 2021. Stabilizing selection to
maintain the two male forms of the jumping spider Maevia
inclemens (Araneae: Salticidae: Marpissina).
Peckhamia 241.1: 1-15. |
240.1 |
L. A. and E. Bedoya-Roqueme. 2021. First
report of Eustiromastix spinipes (Taczanowski
1872) (Araneae: Salticidae: Saltafresia) from Colombia,
with new salticid records for the Department of
Córdoba. Peckhamia 240.1: 1-13. |
239.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C. and D. E. Hill. 2021. Trophobiotic
relationship of the jumping spider Brettus
cingulatus (Araneae: Salticidae: Spartaeini) with
mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in
Karnataka. Peckhamia 239.1: 1-10. |
238.1 |
Rubio, G.
D. 2021. A new synonym of Titanattus
parvus (Mello-Leitão, 1945) (Araneae: Salticidae:
Thiodinini). Peckhamia 238.1: 1-4. |
237.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C. and D. E. Hill. 2021. Leaf suspension
by a brooding female Epeus indicus (Araneae:
Salticidae: Plexippina) in Karnataka. Peckhamia
237.1: 1-7. |
236.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C., H. Mohammed and D. E. Hill. 2021.
Final molt of a male Telamonia dimidiata
(Araneae: Salticidae: Plexippina) in Karnataka.
Peckhamia 236.1: 1-4. |
235.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C. and D. E. Hill. 2021. Predation on an
ant-mimicking jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae: Myrmarachne
plataleoides) by an ant-eating web spider
(Araneae: Theridiidae: Chrysso sp.).
Peckhamia 235.1: 1-4. |
234.1 |
Rubio, G.
D., C. E. Stolar and J. E. M.
Baigorria. 2021. Pachomius
areteguazu sp. nov. (Araneae: Salticidae:
Freyina), and the first description of the epigynum of a
member of the nigrus group. Peckhamia
234.1: 1-8. |
233.1 |
Coşar, I and
M. Erdek. 2021. Confirmation of Pellenes
bonus (Araneae: Salticidae) in Turkey.
Peckhamia 233.1: 1-5. |
232.1 |
P. 2021. Jumping spider (Araneae:
Salticidae) feeding on the stalked eggs of a lacewing
(Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in Mumbai. Peckhamia
232.1: 1-2. |
231.1 |
R., A. K. Jangid, M. Siliwal, S. Dutta and A. V.
Sudhikumar. 2021. First record of Menemerus
marginatus (Kroneberg, 1875) (Araneae: Salticidae:
Chrysillini) from India. Peckhamia 231.1:
1-7. |
230.1 |
J. E., G. D. Rubio, C. E. Stolar and L. I.
Oklander. 2021. Notes on the jumping spider
Corythalia conferta (Araneae: Salticidae), a
possible myrmecophagous specialist in Argentina.
Peckhamia 230.1: 1-12. |
229.1 |
Tam, T. V.,
L. N. Q. Huy, N. T. Phuc, V. H. Nhan and L. V.
Khang. 2021. First record for Brettus
cingulatus in Vietnam (Araneae: Salticidae:
Spartaeini). Peckhamia 229.1: 1-2. |
148.4 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2021. Catalogue of
the Australian peacock spiders (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryini: Maratus), version 4.
Peckhamia 148.4: 1-35. |
228.1 |
T. and D. E. Hill. 2021. Three new jumping
spiders of the genus Cosmophasis from Wallacea
(Araneae: Salticidae: Chrysillini). Peckhamia
228.1: 1-84. |
227.1 |
Tam, T. V.,
V. H. Nhan and L. V. Khang. 2020. First
record for Asemonea tenuipes in Vietnam
(Araneae: Salticidae: Asemoneinae).
Peckhamia 227.1: 1-2. |
226.1 |
Cutler, B.
and M. Parr. 2020. First records of Icius
subinermis (Araneae: Salticidae) in North America,
with notes on the local establishment of this species
and its behavior in captivity. Peckhamia 226.1:
1-5. |
225.1 |
Hill, D.
E. 2020. Respiration by jumping spiders
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 225.1:
1-28. |
224.1 |
E. and S. Lopez-Villada. 2020. Salticidae
(Arachnida: Araneae) from the Department of Córdoba in
the Caribbean region of Colombia. Peckhamia 224.1:
1-23. |
223.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2020. Maratus tiddalik, a
new peacock spider in the flavus group from Western Australia
(Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini). Peckhamia
223.1: 1-26. |
222.1 |
T. and D. E. Hill. 2020. Description of a
new jumping spider, Artabrus aurantipilosus sp.
nov. (Araneae: Salticidae: Plexippina), from Banda
Neira, Indonesia. Peckhamia 222.1: 1-19. |
221.1 |
Edwards, G.
B. 2020. Description of Phidippus
pacosauritus sp. nov. (Salticidae: Salticinae:
Dendryphantini: Dendryphantina), with a reanalysis of
related species in the mystaceus group.
Peckhamia 221.1: 1-18. |
220.1 |
Magar, K.
T., B. R. Shrestha, T. B, Gurung, R. Bahadur KC, B. R.
Lamichhane, D. E. Hill and A. Thapa. 2020.
New records of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae)
from Nepal. Peckhamia 220.1: 1-11. |
219.1 |
John, S.
J. 2020. Myrmecophily and kleptoparasitism
of the weaver ant (Oecophylla smaragdina) by Cosmophasis
cf. bitaeniata (Araneae: Salticidae:
Chrysillini) in the Andaman Islands. Peckhamia
219.1: 1-9. |
218.1 |
E. and S. Lopez-Villada. 2020. First report
of Colonus pseustes (Chamberlin & Ivie,
1936) (Araneae: Salticidae: Gophoini) from
Colombia. Peckhamia 218.1: 1-8. |
217.1 |
Harshith J.
V. and D. E. Hill. 2020. Conspecific
oophagy by the jumping spider Brettus cingulatus
(Araneae: Salticidae: Spartaeini) in Karnataka, India.
Peckhamia 217.1: 1-5. |
182.3 |
Hill, D. E.,
Abhijith A. P. C., P. Krishna and S. Ramesh.
2020. Construction and use of orb webs by
jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae: Plexippina: Vailimia
sp. indet.) in
southwest India. Peckhamia 182.3: 1-22. |
216.1 |
Cukier, L.
M. 2020. Oophagy by the jumping spider Thyene
coccineovittata (Araneae: Salticidae: Plexippina)
in Brazil. Peckhamia 216.1: 1. |
199.2 |
Abhijith A.
P. C. and D. E. Hill. 2020. Moulting, male
pursuit and brooding by Telamonia dimidiata
(Araneae: Salticidae: Plexippina) in Karnataka (version
2). Peckhamia 199.2: 1-11. |
215.1 |
E., S. Lopez-Villada and M. F. Nadal. 2020.
First record of the genus Rudra Peckham &
Peckham, 1885 (Araneae: Salticidae: Dendryphantini) from
Colombia. Peckhamia 215.1: 1-5. |
214.1 |
Ahmed, J.,
A. Chakraborti and David E. Hill. 2020.
First record of Thiania cf. subopressa
Strand 1907 (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini) from India
with some natural history notes on the species.
Peckhamia 214.1: 1-5. |
213.1 |
John, S.
J. 2020. Hunting and brooding behaviour
in Phaeacius sp. indet. (Araneae: Salticidae:
Spartaeini), a new record for the Andaman Islands.
Peckhamia 213.1: 1-6. |
212.1 |
W. 2020. The genus Lyssomanes
(Araneae: Salticidae: Lyssomaninae) in Mexico: a new
species, new taxonomic notes and records.
Peckhamia 212.1: 1-13. |
211.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C., D. E. Hill and M. J. Pai. 2020.
Predation on an oecobiid spider by Myrmarachne
plataleoides (Araneae: Salticidae: Myrmarachnini)
in Karnataka, with comments on araneophagy by salticine
jumping spiders. Peckhamia 211.1: 1-6. |
210.1 |
Pai, M. J.
and D. E. Hill. 2020. Cohabitation and
mating by Brettus cingulatus (Araneae:
Salticidae: Spartaeini) in Karnataka. Peckhamia
210.1: 1-5. |
209.1 |
W. 2020. The first described female of
the South American jumping spider genus Sumakuru
Maddison, 2016 (Araneae: Salticidae:
Lyssomaninae). Peckhamia 209.1: 1-4. |
208.1 |
Iyer, N. and
D. E. Hill. 2020. The linear stem egg-sac of
a Cocalus C. L. Koch 1846 (Araneae: Salticidae:
Spartaeini) in Karnataka, India. Peckhamia 208.1:
1-6. |
207.1 |
Nafin, K.
S., W. P. Maddison and A. V. Sudhikumar.
2020. The first described male of the Asian
jumping spider genus Piranthus Thorell, 1895
(Araneae: Salticidae: Baviini). Peckhamia 207.1:
1-7. |
206.1 |
Schubert, J.
2020. First records of Maratus robinsoni
Otto & Hill 2012 and Maratus vultus Otto
& Hill 2016 (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus
Karsch 1878) from Victoria, Australia. Peckhamia
206.1: 1-7. |
205.1 |
Mariante, R.
M. and D. E. Hill. 2020. First report of the
Asian jumping spider Menemerus nigli (Araneae:
Salticidae: Chrysillini) in Brazil. Peckhamia
205.1: 1-21. |
204.1 |
Chinmay C., Jithesh Pai M., Sanath R. M. and Harshith J.
V. 2020. First record of Portia albimana
(Simon, 1900) from Bangalore, Karnataka in southwestern
India (Araneae: Salticidae: Spartaeina). Peckhamia
204.1: 1-4. |
203.1 |
Rubio, G.
D., C. E. Stolar, M. F. Nadal and J. E. Baigorria.
2020. The jumping spider Tapsatella
albocastanea, a new genus and species from
Argentina (Araneae: Salticidae: Freyina).
Peckhamia 203.1: 1-9. |
202.1 |
Hill, D. E.,
Abhijith A. P. C. and Pavan Ramachandra.
2020. Kleptoparasitic flies and jumping spiders
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 202.1: 1-7. |
201.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C. and D. E. Hill. 2020. Sticky floral
stems and jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae).
Peckhamia 201.1: 1-10. |
200.1 |
Caleb, J. T.
D. 2020. A new jumping spider genus
from South and Southeast Asia (Araneae: Salticidae:
Plexippini: Orientattus). Peckhamia 200.1:
1-5. |
199.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C. and D. E. Hill. 2019. Moulting, male
pursuit and brooding by Telamonia dimidiata
(Araneae: Salticidae: Plexippina) in Karnataka.
Peckhamia 199.1: 1-7. |
198.1 |
I., J. T. D. Caleb and D. E. Hill. 2019. New
observations of the jumping spider Neobrettus
tibialis (Araneae: Salticidae: Spartaeini) in West
Bengal, India. Peckhamia 198.1: 1-9. |
197.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C. and D. E. Hill. 2019. Record of Phaeacius
cf. lancearius (Araneae: Salticidae: Spartaeini)
preying on Hersilia sp. (Araneae: Hersiliidae)
in Karnataka. Peckhamia 197.1: 1-5. |
196.1 |
Hill, D. E.
and J. C. Otto. 2019. Courtship display
of the peacock spider Maratus aquilus (Araneae:
Salticidae: Euophryini). Peckhamia 196.1:
1-35. |
195.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2019. Maratus banyowla, a
new peacock spider in the personatus group from Western
Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini).
Peckhamia 195.1: 1-23. |
194.1 |
R., G. B. Edwards and P. Hanson-Snortum.
2019. Phenology of an urban population of Lyssomanes jemineus
Peckham & Wheeler (Araneae: Salticidae) with a list
of other jumping spiders from the same Costa Rican site.
Peckhamia 194.1: 1-6. |
193.1 |
Pett, B.
L. 2019. First confirmed locality record of
Gypogyna forceps
Simon, 1900 (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae:
Scopocirini) from Paraguay. Peckhamia 193.1:
1-3. |
148.3 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2019. Catalogue of
the Australian peacock spiders (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryini: Maratus,
version 3. Peckhamia 148.3: 1-28. |
192.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C. and D. E. Hill. 2019. Impact of brood
parasitoids and oophagy on survival of Asemonea tenuipes
(Araneae: Salticidae: Asemoneinae) broods in Karnataka.
Peckhamia 192.1: 1-15. |
191.1 |
M. 2019. First records in Vietnam of Chrysilla acerosa
Wang & Zhang 2012 and Rhene flavicomans Simon 1902 (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 191.1: 1-2. |
190.1 |
Ahmed, J.,
S. Laha and R. J. Pearce. 2019. First
record of the genus Afraflacilla
Berland & Millot, 1941 in India (Araneae:
Salticidae: Chrysillini). Peckhamia 190.1:
1-3. |
189.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2019. Three new
peacock spiders from the southeast and southwest of
Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus).
Peckhamia 189.1: 1-77. |
188.1 |
Kaldari, R.
2019. New records of the exotic jumping
spider Pseudeuophrys
erratica (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini) in
the United States. Peckhamia 188.1: 1-3. |
187.1 |
Schubert, J.
2019. Maratus
occasus, a new peacock spider from Queensland,
Australia with a review of the Maratus tasmanicus group (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryini: Maratus
Karsch 1878). Peckhamia 187.1: 1-10. |
186.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C. and D. E. Hill. 2019. Notes on the
jumping spider Brettus
cingulatus in Karnataka (Araneae: Salticidae:
Spartaeini). Peckhamia 186.1: 1-14. |
173.2 |
Mariante, R.
M. and D. E. Hill. 2019. First report
of the African jumping spider Thyene coccineovittata (Araneae:
Salticidae: Plexippina) in Brazil. Peckhamia
173.2: 1-23. |
185.1 |
Hill, D. E.
and R. M. Mariante. 2019. Review of
specimens corresponding to three species of Thyene (Araneae:
Salticidae: Plexippini) in the Peckham Collection.
Peckhamia 185.1: 1-12. |
184.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2019. How jumping spiders (Araneae:
Salticidae) find and use indirect routes to reach their
sighted objectives. Peckhamia 184.1: 1-13. |
182.2 |
Hill, D. E.,
Abhijith A. P. C., P. Krishna and S. Ramesh.
2019. Construction of orb webs as nocturnal
retreats by jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae: cf. Anarrhotus) in
southwestern India. Peckhamia 182.2: 1-13. |
176.2 |
T. and D. E. Hill. 2019. Notes on the
jumping spider Myrmarachne
exasperans (Araneae: Salticidae: Astioida:
Myrmarachnini) in Bali, a possible mimic of parasitoid
wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Cryptini: Goryphus).
Peckhamia 176.2: 1-28. |
183.1 |
G. 2019. Record of the jumping spider Pelegrina cf. aeneola (Araneae:
Salticidae) feeding on insect eggs. Peckhamia
183.1: 1-4. |
182.1 |
Hill, D. E.,
Abhijith A. P. C., P. Krishna and S. Ramesh.
2019. Construction of orb webs as nocturnal
retreats by jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae: cf. Anarrhotus) in
southwestern India. Peckhamia 182.1: 1-10. |
181.1 |
Ahmed, J.,
R. Khalap, S. Kumbhar, D. E. Hill, R. J. Pearce and
K. Mohan. 2019. Field notes on the
jumping spider Telamonia
dimidiata in Maharashtra (Araneae: Salticidae:
Plexippina). Peckhamia 181.1: 1-6. |
180.1 |
Otto, J. C.,
D. E. Hill and R. Whyte. 2019. Australian
jumping spiders of the genus Hypoblemum (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryini). Peckhamia 180.1: 1-62. |
179.1 |
Hill, D. E.,
Abhijith A. P. C. and João P.
Burini. 2019. Do jumping spiders
(Araneae: Salticidae) draw their own portraits?
Peckhamia 179.1: 1-14. |
178.1 |
A. 2019. First observation of Myrmarachne species
feeding on ants (Araneae: Salticidae: Myrmarachnini).
Peckhamia 178.1: 1-4. |
177.1 |
Schubert, J.
and R. Whyte. 2019. A new peacock
spider from the Cape York Peninsula (Araneae:
Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus Karsch 1878). Peckhamia
177.1: 1-6. |
176.1 |
T. and D. E. Hill. 2018. Notes on the
jumping spider Myrmarachne
exasperans (Araneae: Salticidae: Astioida:
Myrmarachnini) in Bali, a possible mimic of parasitoid
wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Cryptini: Goryphus).
Peckhamia 176.1: 1-26. |
175.1 |
E., M. F. Nadal and G. D. Rubio. 2018. First
record of the genus Helvetia
Peckham & Peckham, 1894 (Araneae: Salticidae:
Chrysillini) from Colombia and extension of its
distribution in Argentina. Peckhamia 175.1:
1-10. |
174.1 |
P. and D. E. Hill. 2018. Predation by
the weaver ant Oecophylla
smaragdina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae:
Formicinae) on its mimic jumping spider Myrmarachne plataleoides
(Araneae: Salticidae: Astioida: Myrmarachnini).
Peckhamia 174.1: 1-8. |
173.1 |
Mariante, R.
M. and D. E. Hill. 2018. First record
of Thyene cf.
(Araneae: Salticidae: Plexippina) in Brazil.
Peckhamia 173.1: 1-6. |
172.1 |
Abhijith A.
P. C. and D. E. Hill. 2018. Asemonea cf. tenuipes in
Karnataka (Araneae: Salticidae: Asemoneinae).
Peckhamia 172.1: 1-8. |
171.1 |
Ahmed, J.,
D. E. Hill, R. J. Pearce, A. N. S. Kumar, R. Khalap
and K. Mohan. 2018. Oophagy by Hyllus semicupreus
(Araneae: Salticidae: Plexippina). Peckhamia
171.1: 1-6. |
170.1 |
Hill, D. E.
and J. Chiavone. 2018. Helvetia cf. cancrimana
(Araneae: Salticidae: Chrysillini) from Buenos Aires.
Peckhamia 170.1: 1-4. |
169.1 |
Hill, D.
E. 2018. Jumping spiders of the Phidippus princeps
group in the southeastern United States (Araneae:
Salticidae: Dendryphantina). Peckhamia 169.1:
1-72. |
168.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2018. Two new
peacock spiders in the vespa group from Western Australia
(Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus).
Peckhamia 168.1: 1-82. |
167.1 |
Hill, D.
E. 2018. The jumping behavior of
jumping spiders: a review (Araneae: Salticidae).
Peckhamia 167.1: 1-8. |
166.1 |
Ahmed, J.,
D. E. Hill, I. Banerjee, R. Khalap, R. J. Pearce and K.
Mohan. 2018. First record of the genus
Wanless 1984 from India, with some natural history notes
(Araneae: Salticidae: Spartaeina). Peckhamia
166.1: 1-13. |
165.1 |
Hill, D. E.
and F. Fleck. 2018. Athamas whitmeei
(Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini) from islands of the
tropical Western Pacific Region. Peckhamia 165.1:
1-5. |
164.1 |
W. 2018. A new transfer in the genus Pachomius Peckham
& Peckham (Araneae: Salticidae: Aelurillini).
Peckhamia 164.1: 1-4. |
163.1 |
Galvis, W.,
O. Pulgarín, E. Correa, I. Castrillón and N.
Acevedo. 2018. First record of the
jumping spider genus Balmaceda
Peckham & Peckham (Salticidae: Salticinae:
Dendryphantini) from Colombia. Peckhamia 163.1:
1-5. |
162.1 |
W. 2018. First record of Lyssomanes quadrinotatus
Simon, 1900 (Araneae: Salticidae: Lyssomaninae) from
Brazil and Colombia. Peckhamia 162.1: 1-4. |
161.1 |
E., W. Galvis and L. Martínez. 2018.
First record of the genus Gypogyna Simon, 1900 (Araneae:
Salticidae: Scopocirini) from Colombia. Peckhamia
161.1: 1-4. |
160.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2018. Two new
peacock spiders from Western Australia (Araneae:
Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus Karsch 1878). Peckhamia
160.1: 1-42. |
99.2 |
Hill, D. E.
2018. Notes on the jumping spiders Colonus puerperus
(Hentz 1846) and Colonus
sylvanus (Hentz 1846) in the southeastern
United States (Araneae: Salticidae: Amycoida: Gophoini).
Peckhamia 99.2: 1-63. |
159.1 |
Ahmed, J.,
R. Khalap, D. E. Hill, K. Mohan, Sumukha J. N. and S.
Satpute. 2017. Tadpole predation by a
jumping spider in Maharashtra (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 159.1: 1-2. |
158.1 |
Hill, D. E.
and G. Beaton. 2017. Rafting by Peckhamia americana
(Araneae: Salticidae: Synagelina). Peckhamia
158.1: 1-2. |
157.1 |
Galvis, W.
2017. First record of the jumping spider
genus Ceriomura
(Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae: Amycoida: Gophoini)
from Colombia, with description of a new species.
Peckhamia 157.1: 1-6. |
156.1 |
Martinez, L.
and W. Galvis. 2017. First record of
the ant-like jumping spider genus Simprulla Simon
(Salticidae: Sarindini) from Colombia. Peckhamia
156.1: 1-5. |
155.1 |
Martinez, L.
2017. New records of the genus Xanthofreya Edwards
from Colombia (Salticidae: Freyina). Peckhamia
155.1: 1-6. |
154.1 |
Magar, K.
T., M. B. Gurung, D. E. Hill and B. R.
Shrestha. 2017. New record of the
jumping spider Epeus
exdomus from Nepal (Araneae: Salticidae:
Plexippina). Peckhamia 154.1: 1-5. |
148.2 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2017. Catalogue of
the Australian peacock spiders (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryini: Maratus,
version 2. Peckhamia 148.2: 1-23. |
153.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2017. Two new
peacock spiders from southeastern Australia (Araneae:
Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus Karsch 1878). Peckhamia
153.1: 1-34. |
152.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2017. Five new
peacock spiders from Western Australia (Araneae:
Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus Karsch 1878). Peckhamia
152.1: 1-97. |
151.1 |
Ahmed, J.,
R. Khalap, D. E. Hill, Sumukha J. N. and K.
Mohan. 2017. First record of Brettus cingulatus
from India, with a review of Brettus in South and Southeast Asia
(Araneae: Salticidae: Spartaeinae). Peckhamia
151.1: 1-13. |
150.1 |
Zamani, A.,
A. Hosseinpour, K. Azizi and A. Soltani.
2017. A new species of the jumping spider
genus Evarcha
(s. lat.) from southwestern Iran (Araneae: Salticidae).
Peckhamia 150.1: 1-5. |
149.1 |
Donovan, B.
and D. E. Hill. 2017. Report of Cosmophasis feeding
on butterfly eggs in Queensland (Araneae: Salticidae:
Chrysillini). Peckhamia 149.1: 1-3. |
148.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2017. Catalogue of
the Australian peacock spiders (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryini: Maratus,
Peckhamia 148.1: 1-21. |
147.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2017. Five new
peacock spiders from eastern Australia (Araneae:
Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus Karsch 1878 and Saratus, new
genus). Peckhamia 147.1: 1-86. |
146.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2016. Jumping spiders in outer space
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 146.1: 1-7. |
145.1 |
Galvis, W.
and L. Martinez. 2016. First record of the
jumping spider tribe Huriini Simon (Araneae: Salticidae:
Salticinae) from Colombia. Peckhamia 145.1:
1-6. |
144.1 |
Thurlow, B.
2016. Observations on the behavior of male
and female Paraphidippus
aurantius at the molting sac of a female
(Araneae: Salticidae: Dendryphantina). Peckhamia
144.1: 1-2. |
143.1 |
Hill, D.
E. 2016. Learned avoidance of the Large
Milkweed Bug (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae: Oncopeltus fasciatus)
by jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae: Dendryphantina:
Peckhamia 143.1: 1-25. |
142.1 |
T. 2016. Odonate exuviae used for
roosts and nests by Sassacus
vitis and other jumping spiders (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 142.1: 1-17. |
141.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2016. Seven new
peacock spiders from Western Australia and South
Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus).
Peckhamia 141.1: 1-101. |
140.1 |
Gall, W. K.
and G. B. Edwards. 2016. First records for
the jumping spiders Heliophanus
kochii in the Americas and Myrmarachne formicaria
in New York State (Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia
140.1: 1-7. |
139.1 |
W. 2016. New records and updated
distribution of the ant-like jumping spider genus Zuniga Peckham
& Peckham, 1892 (Salticidae: Salticinae: Sarindini)
in the Neotropics. Peckhamia 139.1: 1-11. |
138.1 |
Galvis, W.
and V. Muñoz-Charry. 2016. First record of
the genus Descanso
Peckham & Peckham, 1892 (Araneae: Salticidae) from
Colombia, with a complementary description of D. peregrinus
Chickering, 1946. Peckhamia 138.1: 1-6. |
137.1 |
M. 2016. Phytophagy in jumping spiders:
The vegetarian side of a group of insectivorous
predators. Peckhamia 137.1: 1-17. |
136.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2016. Maratus fimbriatus,
a new peacock spider from the Darling Riverine Plains of
New South Wales, with a review of the Maratus chrysomelas
group (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini). Peckhamia
136.1: 1-24. |
135.1 |
Caleb, J. T.
D. 2016. First record of the genus Cocalus C. L. Koch,
1846 (Araneae: Salticidae) from India. Peckhamia
135.1: 1-4. |
134.1 |
Gilman, R.
T. 2016. Intraguild predation by a salticid
(Hyllus brevitarsus)
on a large orb weaver (Nephila
senegalensis). Peckhamia 134.1:
1-2. |
133.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2016. Males of a
new species of Jotus
from Australia wave a paddle-shaped lure to solicit
nearby females (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini).
Peckhamia 133.1: 1-39. |
132.1 |
Ahmed, J.,
K. Mohan, R. Khalap and D. E. Hill. 2015.
Araneophagic behavior in Plexippus petersi (Karsch 1878)
(Araneae: Salticidae: Plexippoida: Plexippinae).
Peckhamia 132.1: 1-4. |
131.1 |
Hill, D. E.
and J. C. Otto. 2015. Exasperating taxonomy
of the colourful ant-mimic Myrmarachne exasperans (Araneae:
Salticidae: Astioida: Myrmarachinae). Peckhamia
131.1: 1-5. |
130.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2015. Notes on Phidippus octopunctatus (Araneae:
Salticidae: Dendryphantinae). Peckhamia 130.1:
1-5. |
129.1 |
Ahmed, J.,
Y. Satam, R. Khalap and K. Mohan. 2015.
First record of Portia
albimana (Simon, 1900) from Maharashtra, Mumbai
(Araneae: Salticidae: Spartaeinae). Peckhamia
129.1: 1-6. |
128.1 |
Hill, D.
E. 2015. Lurio cf. solennis (C. L. Koch 1846) from Costa
Rica and Nicaragua (Araneae: Salticidae:
Dendryphantinae). Peckhamia 128.1: 1-11. |
127.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2015. Maratus personatus,
a masked peacock spider from Cape Riche, Western
Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae).
Peckhamia 127.1: 1-30. |
126.1 |
P. 2015. Notes on the jumping spider Siler semiglaucus
(Simon, 1901) in Thailand (Araneae: Salticidae:
Heliophaninae). Peckhamia 126.1: 1-5. |
125.1 |
Ahmed, J.
and Y. Satam. 2015. The structure and
utilization of silk constructs by Hyllus semicupreus
(Simon, 1885) (Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia
125.1: 1-3. |
124.1 |
Caleb, J. T.
D., S. Mungkung and M. T. Mathai. 2015.
Four new species of jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae:
Aelurillinae) with the description of a new genus from
South India. Peckhamia 124.1: 1-18. |
123.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2015. Maratus elephans, a
new member of the volans
group from New South Wales (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryinae). Peckhamia 123.1: 1-19. |
122.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2015. Adult
display by a penultimate male Coastal Peacock Spider
(Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae: Maratus speciosus).
Peckhamia 122.1: 1-6. |
121.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2015. Two new
peacock spiders of the calcitrans group from southern
Queensland (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae: Maratus).
Peckhamia 121.1: 1-34. |
120.1 |
Galvis, W.
2015. First record of the jumping spider Eustiromastix falcatus
(Araneae: Salticidae) in Brazil. Peckhamia 120.1:
1-3. |
119.1 |
Hill, D. E.
and J. C. Otto. 2014. Visual courtship
display by the male Coastal Peacock Spider [Araneae:
Salticidae: Euophryinae: Maratus speciosus (O.
Pickard-Cambridge 1874)]. Peckhamia 119.1:
1-18. |
118.1 |
Rubio, G. D.
2014. Baseline richness of Salticidae
(Araneae) from Misiones, Argentina. Peckhamia
118.1: 1-21. |
117.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2014. Peacock spiders
of the pavonis
group from southern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryinae: Maratus).
Peckhamia 117.1: 1-62. |
116.1 |
Kaldari, R.
2014. First photographic and genetic records
of the genus Martella.
Peckhamia 116.1: 1-7. |
115.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2014. Description of a
new peacock spider from the Gnangara Mound north of
Perth, Western Australia (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryinae: Maratus).
Peckhamia 115.1: 1-8. |
114.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2014. Description of a
new peacock spider from Cape Le Grand, Western
Australia, with observations on display by males and
females and comparative notes on the related Maratus volans
(Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae: Maratus).
Peckhamia 114.1: 1-38. |
111.2 |
Edwards, G.
B. 2014. A philosophy and methodology for
matching opposite sexes of one species, exemplified by a
new synonym in Myrmarachne
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 111.2:
1-12. |
113.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2014. Notes on the jumping spider Phidippus clarus
Keyserling 1885 (Araneae: Salticidae: Dendryphantinae).
Peckhamia 113.1: 1-32. |
112.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2014. Spiders of the mungaich group from
Western Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae: Maratus), with one
new species from Cape Arid. Peckhamia 112.1:
1-35. |
111.1 |
Edwards, G.
B. 2013. A philosophy and methodology for
matching opposite sexes of one species, exemplified by a
new synonym in Myrmarachne
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 111.1:
1-12. |
110.1 |
Edwards, G.
B. 2013. A review of the synonyms of Myrmarachne
(Araneae: Salticidae), with comments on the availability
of each genus name. Peckhamia 110.1: 1-9. |
109.1 |
F. 2013. First record of the jumping spider
Habronattus mexicanus
(Peckham & Peckham, 1901) (Salticidae: Plexippoida:
Pelleninae) from Cuba. Peckhamia 109.1: 1-3. |
108.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2013. Three new
Australian peacock spiders (Araneae: Salticidae: Maratus).
Peckhamia 108.1: 1-39. |
106.2 |
Riquelme, F.
and D. E. Hill. 2013. Insights into amber
salticids from the Neogene of Middle America, with the
first report of Marpissinae (Araneae: Salticidae) from
the Chiapas amber. Peckhamia 106.2: 1-5. |
107.1 |
Hill, D. E.
and G. B. Edwards. 2013. Origins of the
North American jumping spiders (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 107.1: 1-67. |
106.1 |
Riquelme, F.
and D. E. Hill. 2013. Insights into amber
salticids from the Neogene of Middle America, with the
first report of Marpissinae (Araneae: Salticidae) from
the Chiapas amber. Peckhamia 106.1: 1-5. |
105.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2013. A new peacock
spider from Australia displays three 'sapphire gems' on
a field of gold (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae: Maratus Karsch
1878). Peckhamia 105.1: 1-8. |
103.2 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2012. Notes on Maratus Karsch 1878
and related jumping spiders from Australia, with five
new species (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae), version
2. Peckhamia 103.2: 1-82. |
104.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2012. Two new
Australian peacock spiders that display inflated and
extended spinnerets (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae: Maratus Karsch
1878). Peckhamia 104.1: 1-28. |
103.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2012. Notes on Maratus Karsch 1878
and related jumping spiders from Australia, with five
new species (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae).
Peckhamia 103.1: 1-81. |
102.1 |
A. and G. B. Edwards. 2012. First records of
the jumping spider Menemerus
semilimbatus (Araneae: Salticidae) in Chile.
Peckhamia 102.1: 1-3. |
101.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2012. Description of
Darlington's Peacock Spider (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryinae: Maratus
species A) from the Stirling Range National
Park of Western Australia. Peckhamia 101.1:
1-21. |
100.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2012. Habronattus
carolinensis (Peckham & Peckham 1901)
(Araneae: Salticidae) from the Piedmont of South
Carolina. Peckhamia 100.1: 1-6. |
99.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2012. Notes on the jumping spiders Thiodina puerpera
(Hentz 1846) and Thiodina
sylvana (Hentz 1846) in the southeastern United
States (Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 99.1:
1-63. |
95.3 |
Richman, D.
B., B. Cutler and D. E. Hill. 2012.
Salticidae of North America, including Mexico.
Peckhamia 95.3: 1-88. |
95.2 |
Richman, D.
B., B. Cutler and D. E. Hill. 2012.
Salticidae of North America, including Mexico.
Peckhamia 95.2: 1-88. |
98.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2012. Contests between male
Maratus vespertilio
(Simon 1901) (Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia
98.1: 1-17. |
97.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2011. The jumping spider mouth (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 97.1: 1-17. |
96.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2011. An illustrated review
of the known peacock spiders of the genus Maratus from
Australia, with description of a new species (Araneae:
Salticidae: Euophryinae). Peckhamia 96.1:
1-27. |
95.1 |
Richman, D.
B., B. Cutler and D. E. Hill. 2011.
Salticidae of North America, including Mexico.
Peckhamia 95.1: 1-88. |
94.1 |
Kaldari, R.,
G. B. Edwards and R. K. Walton. 2011. First
records of Hakka
(Araneae: Salticidae) in North America. Peckhamia
94.1: 1-6. |
93.1 |
Edwards, G.
B. 2011. A review of the type designations
of the genus Salticus
Latreille, genus Attus
Walckenaer, and the family Salticidae Blackwall
(Arachnida: Araneae), with special reference to
historical connections with the Genus Myrmarachne
MacLeay. Peckhamia 93.1: 1-11. |
92.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2011. Maratus vespertilio
(Simon 1901) (Araneae: Salticidae) from southern
Australia. Peckhamia 92.1: 1-6. |
91.1 |
Hill, D.
E. 2011. Notes on Hentzia mitrata (Hentz 1846) (Araneae:
Salticidae: Dendryphantinae). Peckhamia 91.1:
1-15. |
90.1 |
Foelix, R.
F. and B. Erb. 2011. Microscopical studies
on exuviae of the jumping spider Phidippus regius.
Peckhamia 90.1: 1-15. |
86.2 |
Edwards, G.
B. and D. T. Jennings. 2011. A new record
for Pellenes
lapponicus (Araneae: Salticidae) from the
Northeastern United States, with notes on synonymies and
combinations for the species. Peckhamia
86.2: 1-2. |
89.1 |
Hill, D. E.
and J. C. Otto. 2011. Visual display by male
Maratus pavonis
(Dunn 1947) and Maratus
splendens (Rainbow 1896) (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryinae). Peckhamia 89.1: 1-41. |
88.1 |
Bohne, G.,
and D. E. Hill. 2011. Coccorchestes sp.
(Araneae: Salticidae) from Pulau Kri, Raja Ampat, West
Papua, Indonesia. Peckhamia 88.1: 1-2. |
87.1 |
Bohne, G.,
D. E. Hill and R. Kaldari. 2011. Male and
female Diolenius
Thorell 1870 (Araneae: Salticidae) from Pulau Kri, Raja
Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia. Peckhamia
87.1: 1-6. |
86.1 |
Edwards, G.
B. and D. T. Jennings. 2010. A first record
for Pellenes
lapponicus (Araneae: Salticidae) from the
northeastern United States, with notes on synonymies and
combinations for the species. Peckhamia
86.1: 1-2. |
85.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2010. Jumping spider feet (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 85.1: 1-48. |
84.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2010. Targeted jumps by salticid spiders
(Araneae: Salticidae: Phidippus).
Peckhamia 84.1: 1-35. |
83.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2010. Use of location (relative direction
and distance) information by jumping spiders (Araneae,
Salticidae, Phidippus)
during movement toward prey and other sighted
objectives. Peckhamia 83.1: 1-103. |
82.1 |
Kaldari, R.
2010. Reassignment of the Indian species of
Zygoballus to Bianor and Rhene (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 82.1: 1-4. |
81.1 |
Penney, D.
2010. The evolution of jumping spiders
(Araneae: Salticidae): the palaeontological
evidence. Peckhamia 81.1: 1-3. |
80.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2010. Sunda to Sahul: Trans-Wallacean
distribution of recent salticid genera (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 80.1: 1-60. |
79.1 |
Otto, J. C.
and D. E. Hill. 2010. Observations of
courtship display by a male Maratus amabilis Karsch 1878 (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 79.1: 1-16. |
78.1 |
Frank, K. D.
2009. Exploitation of artificial light at
night by a diurnal jumping spider. Peckhamia 78.1:
1-3. |
77.1 |
Jass, J. P.
2009. George and Elizabeth Peckham's
historic observations on Wisconsin spiders.
Peckhamia 77.1: 1-9. |
76.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2009. Salticidae of the Antarctic land
bridge. Peckhamia 76.1: 1-14. |
75.1 |
Hill, D. E.,
and D. B. Richman. 2009. The evolution of
jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae): a review.
Peckhamia 75.1: 1-7. |
74.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2009. Euophryine jumping spiders that extend
their third legs during courtship (Araneae: Salticidae:
Euophryinae: Maratus,
Peckhamia 74.1: 1-27. |
73.1 |
Hill, D. E.
2009. Bottle brush of a male Siler from Hong
Kong, with notes on some related spiders (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 73.1: 1-3. |
72.1 |
L. K. 2008. Predation on Platycryptus
undatus (De Geer 1778) by Parasteatoda
tepidariorum (C. L. Koch 1841)
(Araneae: Salticidae, Theridiidae). Peckhamia
72.1: 1. |
71.1 |
L. K. 2008. A jumping spider feeding on an
earthworm. Peckhamia 71.1: 1-2. |
30.2 |
Edwards, G. B., and D. E. Hill.
2008. Representatives of the North
American salticid fauna, revisited.
Peckhamia 30.2: 1-15. |
24.2 |
Hill, D.
E. 2008. The behavior of Eris
militaris (Araneae: Salticidae).
Peckhamia 24.2: 1-8. |
70.1 |
B., and R. J. Wolff. 1995. A list of the
jumping spiders (Salticidae) of the islands of
the Carribean region. Peckhamia 3(2): 27-60. |
69.1 |
D., and D. P. Wijesinghe. 1993. Simon's keys to the
salticid groups, translated with an introduction
and indices. Peckhamia 3(1): 1-26. |
68.1 |
D. P. 1990. Spartaeine salticids: a
summary and request for specimens.
Peckhamia 2(6): 101-103.
67.1 |
Roach, S. H., and G. B. Edwards.
1990. Additions
to An annotated list of South Carolina
Salticidae (Araneae).
Peckhamia 2(6): 100.
66.1 |
Edwards, G. B. 1990. Anecdotal field notes on Florida Phidippus
(Araneae: Salticidae), with notes on
territoriality in P. regius.
Peckhamia 2(6): 96-100. |
65.1 |
Nyffeler, M, R. G. Breene, and D. A.
Dean. 1990. Facultative monophagy in the jumping
spider, Plexippus paykulli (Audouin)
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 2(6):
92-96. |
64.1 |
Cutler, B. 1990. Synanthropic Salticidae of the
Northeast United States. Peckhamia 2(6):
91-92. |
63.1 |
G. B. 1988. Review: Griswold,
C. E., 1987. Peckhamia 2(5): 88-89. |
62.1 |
Richman, D. B., and B. Cutler. 1988. A list of the
jumping spiders of Mexico.
Peckhamia 2(5): 63-88.
61.1 |
R. J. 1984. A preliminary list of salticids
of the Great Lakes states. Peckhamia 2(4): 57-62.
60.1 |
Roach, S. H., and G. B. Edwards.
1984. An
list of South Carolina Salticidae (Araneae).
Peckhamia 2(4): 49-57. |
59.1 |
Edwards, G. B.. 1984. Mimicry of velvet ants (Hymenoptera:
Mutillidae) by jumping spiders (Araneae:
Salticidae). Peckhamia 2(4): 46-49. |
58.1 |
B. 1984. Late Oligocene amber salticids from
the Dominican Republic. Peckhamia 2(4):
45-46. |
57.1 |
Heerden, J. 1982. A brief note on
the rearing of salticid spiderlings.
Peckhamia 2(3): 42-43. |
56.1 |
J. 1982. Observations of night activity in Phidippus
otiosus (Hentz). Peckhamia 2(3): 40. |
55.1 |
D. B. 1982. Notes on the courtship of Southwestern
Metaphidippus and Pellenes
(Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia 2(3):
38-41. |
54.1 |
B. 1982. Jumping spiders of the United States
and Canada: additions to the key and list (5).
Peckhamia 2(3): 37. |
53.1 |
B. 1982. Euophrys erratica (Walckenaer),
new to North America. Peckhamia 2(3): 36-37. |
52.1 |
Edwards, G. B. 1982. The
arboreal Salticidae of Florida. Peckhamia
2(3): 33-36. |
51.1 |
R. J. 1981. Nocturnal activity under artificial
lights by the jumping spider Sitticus fasciger.
Peckhamia 2(2): 32. |
50.1 |
B. 1981. Key to late instar immatures of Metaphidippus
and Eris
(Salticidae) in Minnesota. Peckhamia 2(2):
31-32. |
49.1 |
Edwards, G. B., and D. A. Rossman.
1981. A
preliminary checklist of Georgia Salticidae.
Peckhamia 2(2): 27-31. |
48.1 |
R. R. 1981. Notes on the reproductive biology of a
web-building jumping spider, Portia fimbriata.
Peckhamia 2(2): 23-27. |
47.1 |
Richman, D. B. 1981. A bibliography of courtship and
agonistic display in salticid spiders.
Peckhamia 2(2): 16-23. |
46.1 |
Edwards, G. B. 1980. Jumping spiders of the United States
and Canada: changes in the key and list (4).
Peckhamia 2(1): 11-14. |
45.1 |
Richman, D. B. 1980.
Jumping spiders of the
United States and Canada: changes in the key and
list (3). Peckhamia
2(1): 11. |
44.1 |
Richman, D. B. 1980.
Some egg records for western
salticids. Peckhamia 2(1): 10-11. |
43.1 |
B. 1980. The occurrence of notched trochanteral
limuli in jumping spiders. Peckhamia 2(1): 9-10. |
42.1 |
G. B. 1980. Experimental demonstration of the
importance of wings to prey evaluation by a
salticid spider. Peckhamia 2(1): 6-9. |
41.1 |
R. R. 1980. Notes on the copulatory postures of
salticid spiders. Peckhamia 2(1): 4-6. |
40.1 |
R. R. 1980. Nest disturbance as a factor in the
mating strategy of the jumping spider Phidippus
johnsoni (Araneae, Salticidae).
Peckhamia 2(1): 3-4. |
39.1 |
G. B. (as editor) 1980. Elizabeth Gifford Peckham: obituary.
Peckhamia 2(1): 1-2. |
38.1 |
D. E. 1979. Review: American Spiders by W. J.
Gertsch. Peckhamia 1(6): 126-127. |
37.1 |
B. 1979. Musings of a Jack Pine Savage II.
1(6): 126. |
36.1 |
B. 1979. Jumping spiders of the United States
and Canada: changes in the key and list (2).
1(6): 125. |
35.1 |
D. B. 1979. Jumping spiders of the United States
and Canada: changes in the key and list (1).
1(6): 125. |
34.1 |
Y. N. 1979. The jumping spiders of
the USSR (Araneae: Salticidae). Peckhamia
1(6): 122-124. |
33.1 |
Prószyński, J.
1979. A confession
of a zoogeographical sinner. Peckhamia 1(6):
121-122. |
32.1 |
Edwards, G. B., B. Cutler, H. W. Levi,
and D. B. Richman. 1979. On the designation of Attus audax
Hentz as the type of Phidippus C. L. Koch.
Peckhamia 1(6): 120-121. |
31.1 |
Cokendolpher, J. C.
1978. Additions to
the Wichita County, Texas Salticidae.
Peckhamia 1(5): 118. |
30.1 |
Edwards, G. B., and D. E. Hill.
1978. Representatives of the North
American salticid fauna. Peckhamia 1(5):
110-117. |
29.1 |
Richman, D. B., and B. Cutler.
1978. A
list of the jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae)
of the United States and Canada. Peckhamia
1(5): 82-110. |
28.1 |
D. B. 1978. Key to the jumping spider (salticid)
genera of North America. Peckhamia 1(5):
77-81. |
27.1 |
Maddison, W. 1978. Bianor aemulus (Gertsch, 1934),
new combination (Araneae: Salticidae).
Peckhamia 1(5): 76-77. |
26.1 |
Hill, D. E. 1978.
Some unusual Phidippus
audax from northern Florida. Peckhamia
1(4): 71-73. |
25.1 |
Hill, D. E. 1978.
Function of the pretarsus in
living Phidippus regius. Peckhamia
1(4): 70-71. |
24.1 |
Hill, D. E. 1978.
The behavior of Eris
marginata (Araneae: Salticidae).
Peckhamia 1(4): 63-70. |
23.1 |
B. 1978. Corrections to a preliminary list of
the Salticidae of Minnesota. Peckhamia 1(4):
62. |
22.1 |
B. 1978. Musings of a Jack Pine Savage (second
part). Peckhamia 1(4): 62. |
21.1 |
Edwards, G. B., B. Cutler, J.
Reiskind, C. D. Dondale, H. W. Levi, W. J.
Gertsch, B. J. Kaston, and D. B. Richman.
1978. On
the validity of Walckenaer's names: a forum of
fact and opinion. Peckhamia 1(4): 53-62.
20.1 |
D. E. 1977. Field observations on the behavior of
immature Phidippus princeps in Minnesota.
Peckhamia 1(3): 44-50. |
19.1 |
D. E. 1977. Some observations on the physiology of
living Lyssomanes viridis which should
apply to the Araneae in general. Peckhamia 1(3): 41-44. |
18.1 |
Richman, D. B. 1977. On the relationship of Evarcha
Simon 1902 to Habronattus F. O.
Pickard-Cambridge 1901 and Pellenes Simon
1876. Peckhamia 1(3): 41. |
17.1 |
B. 1977. A preliminary checklist of the
Salticidae of Minnesota. Peckhamia 1(3): 40. |
16.1 |
B. T. 1977. Metaphidippus watonus
Chamberlin & Ivie 1941: A redescription from
living specimens. Peckhamia 1(3): 39-40. |
15.1 |
Richman, D. B. 1977. On the relationship of sexual
selection to sexual dimorphism in jumping spiders.
1(3): 36-39. |
14.1 |
Forster, L. M. 1977. Mating behaviour in Trite auricoma,
a New Zealand jumping spider. Peckhamia
1(3): 35-36. |
13.1 |
D. 1977. Nocturnal behavior of some
day-wandering arboreal spiders. Peckhamia
1(2): 30-31. |
12.1 |
D. E. 1977. The tracheae of jumping spiders.
1(2): 26-30. |
11.1 |
D. E. 1977. The salticid fang. Peckhamia 1(2): 24-26. |
10.1 |
N. I. 1977. Salticidae and the Holarctic fauna.
Peckhamia 1(2): 23-24. |
9.1 |
Edwards, G. B. 1977. Comments on some genus and species
problems in the Salticidae, including
Walckenaerian names. Peckhamia 1(2): 21-23. |
8.1 |
Richman, D. B. 1977. The jumping spiders of leaf-litter in
Florida. Peckhamia 1(2): 18-21. |
7.1 |
J. 1977. Photo of Psecas enoplus.
Peckhamia 1(1): 12. |
6.1 |
Edwards, G. B.
1977. Interference
competition between salticids and web spiders.
Peckhamia 1(1):
11-12. |
5.1 |
Richman, D. B.
1977. Review of
Proszynski 1976. Peckhamia 1(1):
9-11. |
4.1 |
Hill, D. E. 1977. Pores in the integument of the
salticid pedipalp. Peckhamia
1(1): 9. |
3.1 |
Hill, D. E. 1977. Modified setae of the salticid
pedipalp. Peckhamia 1(1): 7-9. |
2.1 |
Hill, D. E. 1977. The mating of Phidippus princeps.
Peckhamia 1(1): 5-7. |
1.1 |
Richman, D. B.
1977. George and
Elizabeth Peckham. Peckhamia 1(1): 3-5. |